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2024 暑期特训班 Summer Camp






Rowland Heights  class room   

日期 6月3日至 6月7日

Date: June 3 to June 7

时间 上午9点至下午2点半 (周一至周五)

Time: from 9 am to 2:30 pm  (Monday – Friday)




San Gabriel class room   

日期 6月10日至 6月14日 

 Date: June 10 to June 14 (周一至周五)

时间 上午9点至下午2点半

Time: from 9 am to 2:30 pm  (Monday – Friday)



以美国等级分1000为中线分班,根据学员实际水平安排训练课程 。


 Level 1: players USCF rating under 1000;

 Level 2: players USCF rating 1000 and up;










Training programs: prepare for tournament, learn opening traps, plan for middle game, and winning strategies, coached by IM Ben Deng and WIM Sarah Lu




1)9am to 10am:  开局训练

2)10am to 11 :15 am: 实战比赛,开局应用。

3)11am to 12:15pm:  分析对局.

4)12pm to 1:00pm: 午餐 , 趣味排局 及开心挑战。.

5)1pm to 2:30pm:   测试和总结.



1)9am to 10am: Lecture: opening lines; middle game strategies;

2)10am to 11:15am: Training game & game analyze.

3)11:15 to 12:15pm: Fun game.

4)12pm to 1:00pm: lunch , break & puzzle time.

5)1pm to 2:30pm: sum up and a test of the day


费用:每天$95, 含午餐。 报名5天可享10%折扣;同一家庭两个孩子报名另加享10%折扣.

Tuition Fee: $95 per day;  lunch , drink & snack included.

10% discount if enroll for all 5 days; extra 10% discount for siblings.



Make an arrangement with the coaches if need to stay late, $10 fee

for late pick up after 3:00pm –6pm.  



Contact Info: 626-679-2503 Sarah



Please sign up inadvance due to the limitation of class.


















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